A&L PARTNERS | Consultants for efficiency and common humanity |
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Clients and referencesOur customers and clients are spread in all sectors of society, in all kinds of businesses and industries, in large and small social systems and in almost every corner of the world – from South Africa in the South to Canada in the North and from Los Angeles and San Francisco in the west to Nepal, Georgia, Israel and India in the East. Most of our invoicing is in Scandinavia and North America including Canada. Other than companies and organizations, we also have individual consultants and leaders as customers within the frame and project the Four Rooms of Change. More that 300 external and internal consultant and leaders have been certified since the start in 1997 and about 200 of them are presently active. You will find a number of the on the Four Rooms of Change website. ReferencesWhen you browse the A&L web site you won’t find any listings of corporations or organizations who are or have been our customers. The reason is simple even though somewhat unusual in the OD industry; since most of our clients contacts us because they have problems, difficulties or dilemmas – alternatively great challenges that they experience they cannot master on their own, it has been their outspoken request not to end up on a list of problematic organizations or clients. To us it is as reasonable as the fact that no serious therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist exposes lists of their clients. The only exceptions is that we don’t keep public framework consulting agreements secret sent those are public documents. In the beginning of 2007, we have framework agreement with: Health care system in the west of Sweden
The second expectation is that we don't keep as a secret that world largest user of the Four Rooms of Change is IKEA with its own corporate license. IKEA has since 1996 used the Four Rooms of Change all over the world in all of its businesses and with all categories and staff and management: in China, Japan, North America, England and Scandinavia to mention a few examples. Curious on how we work and what results we achieve together with our clients? We thought you might be. Within the A&L group and our closest collaborating network of professional OD Consultants there is more than 200 years of experience in working in the very special position of being the consultative, collaborating party. We have extensive experience in all of the areas of work described on our web site and much more. We have difficulties in defining specific industries or sectors of society where we have no experience. No request or inquiry is too small or too unimportant for us. We are as happy to collaborate in a team of teachers in a school as we are to develop a large scale succession planning system in a huge corporation. Despite our size we are probably, leading edge in support to change management and radical change built on a solid value base and deep participation from many stakeholders. We know how to achieve what often is thought about as hard, frustrating and may be risky. We have the experience and the tools that makes the difficulties, frustrations and risk more visible, conscious calculable and therefore possible to take on. We can be of more help when invited early in the consultation process. Contact us and we’ll be happy to tell you more – and most significantly, to listen actively and empathetically. Can it be that hard to give me a reference ??? The answer is yes and no. When we know more about what you or your organizations’ situation looks like, and when you know some more about what you might use us for, it is more likely that we will be able to connect you to a client that has experience of collaborating with us in a situation that is similar to yours. Of course we will contribute so that you will have good enough possibilities to scrutinize us. But of course. Hopefully you are now a little more clear on why we don’t expose list of clients on our web site, rather than pictures from our open trainings and seminars that we are engaged in. Feedback on this? Contact us if you would like to deliver some feed-back to us regarding reference issues. |
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Headquarters: A&L Partners AB, Drottninggatan 55, SE-111 21 Stockholm, Sweden. | ||
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Page updated: Wednesday, 15-May-2013 05:57:16 CEST | ||